Maryland Nurses Association
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WE DID IT! The Maryland General Assembly gave unanimous and final approval of HB 289 – Peace Order Bill

Posted over 3 years ago by Jacqueline Patterson

The Maryland Nurses Association is excited to report that all of our hard word paid off.  Just before midnight on Monday, April 12th, the Maryland General Assembly gave unanimous and final approval of HB 289 – Peace Order.   It is expected that the Governor will sign the bill, and we’ll know for sure by the end of May or even sooner.


The bill will allow employers to file peace orders to protect their employees from workplace violence.   The bill is particularly critical to protect nurses, since 1 in 4 nurses experience violence at work.    Peace orders can protect nurses in any workplace setting, including hospitals, community health programs, and home health.


The Maryland Nurses Association would like to thank its team who demonstrated incredible commitment and perseverance while working on this legislation for the past two-years.  Our team included:


  • Our bill sponsors, Delegate Vanessa Atterbeary (Howard County) and Senator Charles Sydnor (Baltimore City and Baltimore County)
  • MNA’s Legislative Committee, Co-Chaired by Dr. Melani Bell and Dr. Mary Kay DeMarco
  • MNA President Charlotte Wood 
  • MNA’s lobbying team led by Robyn Elliott of Public Policy Partners
  • Emergency Nurses Association of Maryland led by President Lisa Tenney
  • Donna Zankowski, who co-chairs the MNA-Maryland Hospital Association Workplace Prevention Collaborative
  • Josie Ogaitis, long-time MNA member and advocate; and
  • Maryland Hospital Association’s team led by Jane Krienke and Jennifer Witten.

 And most of all, MNA would like to thank its members.   Your emails, phone calls, and support of MNA has made this advocacy work possible.


  Thank You