Maryland Nurses Association
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It's time to get more involved with MNA. The Nomination Packages are due by June 30, only nine days away!

Posted over 1 year ago by Barbara Biedrzycki in 2023 MNA Election Announcement

This announcement has 1 attachment:

Greetings, All MNA Members:

This notification is to inform you of four leadership opportunities within the Maryland Nurses Association (MNA) during the upcoming election cycle. MNA is seeking nominations for two Board of Director officers: Vice-President and Treasurer-Elect as well as two MNA Member-at-Large Representatives to the ANA Membership Assembly. Nominees for all positions must be joint MNA/ANA members and active in the association’s district or state leadership. You can self-nominate, or you can nominate someone else IF the member meets the criteria and consents to serve. Your nomination package must be received no later than June 30, 2023; earlier submissions will be sincerely appreciated. 


Nominees for the MNA Board of Director (BOD) positions must meet the following criteria:

       1. Be joint MNA/ANA members and active in the association’s leadership.

       2. Have been members of MNA for a minimum of three (3) years.

       3. Have had experience as a member of an MNA and/or DNA committee, DNA Board               of Directors, or committee chair at the state or district level during the past 3 years.

       4. Must consent to serve the term to which one is elected.

       5. Cannot serve simultaneously as a District officer on the District Nurses Association             (DNA) Board of Directors and as an officer on the MNA Board of Directors.


The Vice-President Shall:

  • Assume all duties of the president in the absence of the president.
  • Serve as liaison of the MNA BOD to designated committees.
  • Two-year term DEC 2023 – DEC 2025



The Treasurer-Elect Shall:

  • Be responsible for all the duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer in the event of the treasurer’s absence or incapacity.
  • Serve and perform other duties as directed by the Treasurer.
  • One-year term (DEC 2023 – DEC 2024) and then transitions to Treasurer for two-year term (DEC 2024 – DEC 2026).


The Treasurer Shall:

  • Be accountable for the fiscal affairs of the Association.
  • Provide reports and interpretation of the Association’s fiscal condition as required.
  • Serve as chairperson of the Committee on Finance.
  • Two-year term from DEC 2024 – DEC 2026.


MNA is also seeking two candidates for the MNA Member-at-Large Representatives to the ANA Membership Assembly. Nominees for this position must be joint MNA/ANA members and active in the association’s district or state leadership for the past three years. You can self-nominate, or you can nominate someone else IF the member meets the criteria and consents to serve.

 MNA Representatives to the ANA Membership Assembly Shall:

           1) Be a joint MNA/ANA member in good standing.                             

          2) Willing to serve for a two (2) year term or until a successor may be elected.

          3) Be knowledgeable of Parliamentary Procedures.

          4) Be able to speak articulately and concisely in large group settings.

          5) May not concurrently serve as an Officer or Director of another organization if                       such participation might result in a conflict of interest with MNA and/or ANA.

          6) Be involved in MNA leadership activities at the District and/or State level for at                       least three (3) years immediately prior to being a candidate.

A candidate for any of the MNA positions to be elected must submit the following documents as part of the nomination package:

1)  Completed 2023 MNA Consent to Serve Form (attached)

2)  200-words or less essay describing your qualifications for the position and why you are interested in serving in the position

3) Mini Biographical Sketch described on the 2023 Consent to Serve Form

4) Jpeg head & shoulder photo, within the last 5-years preferred


The nomination packets should be sent to the MNA Nominating Committee Chair at or to MNA at and received no later than June 30, 2023.  Candidates will receive acknowledgment of receipt of their nomination package.

After validating the qualifications to be a MNA candidate, prospective candidates will be provided with information regarding an opportunity to provide a campaign statement to the MNA membership and participate in a virtual Candidate Forum before the start of the annual election.

Kindest Regards,

Christie Simon-Waterman, DNP, RN, FNP-BC, WCC, DWC

MNA President

Maryland Nurses Association

6 Park Center Court, Suite 212

Owings Mills, MD  21117

443-334-5110 Office

443-334-5109 Fax