YOUR vote is needed now!
Posted over 1 year ago in 2023 MNA Election Announcement
With only about 60 hours of time left to vote in the 2023 MNA & District elections, YOUR vote in needed now. Please check your Inbox for an email from this sender:
This is an email from MNA's electronic voting vendor. When you open it, there will be instructions on how to mark your ballot and cast your vote for your state and district leaders. If you do not find this email in your INBOX because you deleted it, you will receive one more email from AssociationVoting on Wednesday, August 30th. It will be the last email from them. So, please look for it and vote. MNA had hoped to break 10 percent voter participation this year, but MNA is only at about 8.5 % after four weeks of voting.
Don't miss out on your opportunity to exercise one of your fundamental rights as a member, which is to elect your MNA and District leaders. VOTE NOW!