Maryland Nurses Association
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Join MNA Member Dr. Lisa Seldomridge's Research Study. It is approved by the MNA Board of Directors.

Posted 9 days ago in Dr. Seldomridge Reseach Study

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The Maryland Action Coalition Retention Workgroup, the Maryland Nursing Workforce Center and

LeadNursingForward are looking for people to help with a study about keeping nurses in their jobs in

Maryland. Our goal is to highlight best practices in nurse retention on the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) Nurse Support Program II (NSP-II) funded website.


You can participate if:

  • You are 18 or older,
  • work as a nurse or nursing staff member (RN, LPN, CNA, GNA, PCT, or other nursing support) work in the state of Maryland,
  • and can read English.


If you participate, you will take a 15-20 minute survey. The survey will ask:

  1. What your hospital or workplace does to keep nurses on staff,
  2. Which of those things help you want to stay,
  3. What ideas you have that could help but are not being used yet.


Your answers will help make hospitals and healthcare places better for nurses across Maryland. If you feel uncomfortable answering a question you can skip questions or stop anytime. Your answers are anonymous, and no person or employer will be identified. 


It’s totally up to you if you want to join. Whether you join or not, it will not affect your employment or your relationship with the research team. 


If you want to participate, just use the link below to start. 


Click here or visit the URL: CHL=qr


If you have any questions, please contact us at:


The Maryland Action Coalition Retention Workgroup, the Maryland Nursing Workforce Center and 
LeadNursingForward are looking for people to help with a study about keeping nurses in their jobs in 
Maryland. Our goal is to highlight best practices in nurse retention on the Maryland Higher Education 
Commission (MHEC) Nurse Support Program II (NSP-II) funded website. 

You can participate if: 
• You are 18 or older,  
• work as a nurse or nursing staff member (RN, LPN, CNA, GNA, PCT, or other nursing support) 
• work in the state of Maryland,  
• and can read English. 

If you participate, you will take a 15-20 minute survey. The survey will ask: 
1. What your hospital or workplace does to keep nurses on staff, 
2. Which of those things help you want to stay,  
3. What ideas you have that could help but are not being used yet. 
Your answers will help make hospitals and healthcare places better for nurses across Maryland. If you 
feel uncomfortable answering a question you can skip questions or stop anytime. Your answers are 
anonymous, and no person or employer will be identified.  
It’s totally up to you if you want to join. Whether you join or not, it will not affect your employment or 
your relationship with the research team.  

If you want to participate, just scan the QR code or use the link below to start. 

Click here or visit the URL:

If you have any questions, please contact us at: 
• Dr. Lisa Seldomridge, Salisbury University at  or 410-543-6413 
• Dr. Crystal DeVance-Wilson, Maryland Nursing Workforce Center, University of Maryland at or 301-738-6012 

If you have any adverse effects or concerns about the research, please contact the primary 
investigator, Dr. Lisa Seldomridge, Salisbury University at or 410
543-6413 or the Office of Graduate Studies and Research at Salisbury University at 410-548-3549 
or toll free 1-888-543-0148.  This research is approved by the Salisbury University’s IRB under 
protocol #415. 

Thank you for your consideration and we appreciate your help!