Maryland Nurses Association
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Proposed Revisions to MNA Bylaws

Posted about 1 month ago in 121 Annual Convention

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Greetings MNA Members,

One of your rights as an MNA Member is to vote on the Bylaws that govern MNA. During the second day of the MNA 121 Annual Convention held at Westin Annapolis Hotel, on September 27, 2024, at noon, the MNA Annual Membership Meeting will take place. During the MNA Annual Membership Meeting you will have the right to vote on the proposed revisions to the MNA Bylaws that were last revised six years ago. You may attend the MNA Annual Membership Meeting free of charge. 

If you would like to attend the Convention, MNA is offering a special one-day convention registration rate of $200. If you would like to attend both days, the cost is $245 until July 31, and then the price increases to $295.

Register here

Please click on the link below for the MNA 121st Annual Convention Video presented by Dr. Christie Simon-Waterman, MNA Immediate Past President and MNA Convention Chairperson.

Register here